3-D Printing of Recycled Plastic Waste

Plastic waste is the biggest ecological problem that we face in this modern world there is on average 300 million tons of this type of waste produced every year. Not to mention that only 10% of it actually gets recycled and the plastic that is not recycled eventually ends up in landfills or its part of the 7 tons a year that ends up in the ocean. To combat this problem a team of engineers out of Germany has come up with a solution to thank this abundance of trash and turn it into words of art using 3-D printing.How this all works is first it is collected around the world in the oceans, landfills or other place and then it is crushed and shredded till its fine powder. Then other materials such as carbon, ceramics, and etc. are added to the plastic powder so it can help in the printing process. Finally, it is turn into works of art or into anything like sinks or toilets which can help cut down on all of the hundreds of tons of waste that we have. 
The only ricks or challenges that this product faces is the fact that it takes one ton of that fine plastic powder to produce one "print box". So they will need help to start to turn all of these tons of plastic waste into this plastic powder so that they can make it a cleaner world.

Please help them make this a reality at :


3D Printer

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