MarsVR - Virtual Reality Platform To Support Exploring Mars

Have you ever wanted to feel like you are on another planet or are you interested with the different parts of space? Well if you answered yes to any of those questions then this new technology so be very intriguing because this makes the martian surface come to you. How this all works is that this is the first of many martian landing simulators that have been introduced to the world to help future astronauts to get ready to be able to make it to mars. The are able to do this because they put this pod out in the middle of Utah at the Mars Desert Research Station which is the closest environment on earth to the surface of Mars. This will have so many implications because their is so many companies and nations trying to make it to Mars such as Space X  which are getting ready in a few years from now to start human colonies on Mars. This is a fully crowd funded project by the Mars Society whose goals are to prepare the astronauts that are preparing to go to be able o understand the difficulties and prepare for this journey that they are signing up for.

There is always risks and challenges to cutting edge technology that have to be world through so that they are able to fulfill what the company or in this case organization promises on. The first risk or challenge is that the way they have to do this VR thru is called  photogrammetry so they have to find people that are at the top of this field so that they can create the best environment that they can. The second risk or challenge is that they have to go to this place in Utah and find a good place to build their environment and copy the environment.

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Image result for MarsVR - Virtual Reality Platform To Support Exploring Mars

Image result for MarsVR - Virtual Reality Platform To Support Exploring Mars


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