Rollux: The Most Versatile 2-in-1 Suitcase Around

Have you ever had to buy luggage and you look at the different prices of it and wish that their could be a bag that could be both a carry on and a full size suitcase? Well if you answered yes to that question then this product might be for you because it can turn from a carry on bag to a full sized suitcase in no time. How this product works is that it a secret folding compartment that can open up when you hit the release and it can turn that part into another storage compartment. some other features that it has is that it has a USB charging port that you can pug into that is connected to a external battery that will be able to charge your phone so you don't have to worry about not finding a plug at the airport to charge your phone. This product was designed by a team of product designers and etc. that wanted to create a product that could be both a carry on bag and a full sized suitcase .

Their is always risks and challenges to any products when they are being created because their might be things to improve on or little bugs to work out before the final product reaches the customer. The first risk or challenge that this product has is that since this is the first type of product of its kind they are still finishing on the design so it may go through some more design changes.They are also done with finding manufacturers but their might be unexpected delays but they are going to communicate with their customers and let them know if things change.

you can get this product at:

Rollux is not only a smart suitcase but it also makes you travel smart!


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